Elementor page builder is constantly evolving and updating, the future of Elementor is quite clear with the updates it offers. Updates are sometimes to fix weaknesses and sometimes to add new features. Features that make it unnecessary for website designers to install additional plugins or by using it, we can add attractive features to our site without the need to code. In this article, we are going to talk about the future of Elementor and the features that are going to be added.
What was happening at the Elementor web.fwrd 2025 event?
At the Elementor web.fwrd 2025 event, new tools were introduced, including Elementor hosting, the Hello Biz template for beginners, and the AI Site Planner for website planning. Also, improvements in accessibility and the new “Send by Elementor” marketing platform for WooCommerce were unveiled. These tools were presented with the aim of simplifying tasks and increasing efficiency for web designers and online businesses.
Finally, we talked about the Elementor Editor version 4, which includes improvements in speed, user interface, and new features for designers. This version allows users to have a faster and more efficient web design experience. It also includes new features such as more flexible design and advanced features to improve workflows.
Enabling Elementor Features
You may have been using the Elementor page builder on your site for a long time, but you are not familiar with all its features; probably because you did not enable the desired feature in the Elementor settings. So, go to the Elementor Settings menu and the Features tab in your site dashboard right now to make sure that you have not missed a new feature.
This section will also include exactly the things that were mentioned at the Elementor 2025 event.
List of recently released features in Elementor
Before we talk about the future of Elementor; You should know what features have recently been added to this page builder that will save you from installing multiple plugins.
Conditional CSS Loading
With this newly released feature in Elementor, unnecessary style files are prevented from loading when each page is loaded. This reduces the size of the pages by up to 668kb.
Floating Bars
Floating bars are an attractive way to interact with visitors and even convert users into customers. With the help of floating bars, you can create discount codes or create calls to action for your various campaigns.
Element Cache
This feature significantly improves page loading time by automatically saving the widget output on servers.
Link in Bio Widget
With the help of ready-made Link in Bio widgets, you can create a digital business card for your business.
Off Canvas Widget
Before this widget was released in Elementor, you needed third-party plugins to create dropdown menus in mobile mode, but the good news is that you no longer need an additional plugin to create off canvas!
Setting conditions on elements or display conditions
You can control the display or hiding of elements with the display conditions feature in the Elementor editor with the help of various rules.
Ajax loading for results in the search widget
Improved customization and content filtering, as well as better performance in displaying search results are other features recently added to Elementor, with this feature, the results will be visible in a sliding Loop Grid as you type.
What you will see in Elementor… (Coming soon!)
Font Awesome 6 library update
To increase the variety of icons, the Font Awesome 6 icon library is going to be updated.
Animation effects update
Create attractive designs with more advanced effects.
WooCommerce enhancements
Advanced features that, along with the WooCommerce store builder, convert visitors into customers.
Advanced features for the form widget
Improved the performance of Elementor forms to help attract more customers to the website.
Advanced CSS classes
The ability to group advanced settings in a CSS class and apply it to the desired element on the website.
Experience the future of Elementor before it’s released
Using the Elementor Developer Edition (Developer Edition) is a way to get a taste of what’s to come with Elementor!
In fact, the Elementor team puts new features in the Developer Edition as a test for developers before releasing them and invites you to try them out. As a designer and developer using Elementor, your feedback can have a positive impact on the release of new features in Elementor.
The Elementor Developer Edition is a separate plugin that is available for free in the WordPress repository and should be installed alongside the free Elementor. Of course, installing this plugin on so-called live sites is not recommended and should only be used to familiarize yourself with and test the future features of Elementor in a staging environment or test host.
A large community of WordPress website designers use the Elementor page builder. If you are also part of this community; It is necessary to update your information about this page builder continuously. This article mentioned the new features of Elementor as well as some of the plans that the creators have for the future of this plugin, which we hope was useful and interesting for you. In the meantime, if you want to know about Elementor features before they are officially released; try the solution suggested in the article.